Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts

Fiscal cliff averted, but fights loom

STORY HIGHLIGHTSBoehner undid "everything he promised he would do" in 2010, GOP lawmaker saysObama calls for "a little less brinksmanship" next timeTuesday night's vote prevents tax increases for more than 98% of AmericansIt also staves off $110 billion in automatic cuts to domestic and military spending(CNN) -- President Barack Obama has signed into law a bill to avert the fiscal cliff, a day after...
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Crises averted, but more fights loom

STORY HIGHLIGHTSThe vote prevents tax increases for more than 98% of Americans It also staves off $110 billion in automatic cuts to domestic and military spendingMost Americans will still see a payroll tax increase after a 2011 cut expiresOther fiscal challenges this year include the debt ceiling and a continuing budget resolutionWith the fiscal cliff deal in limbo, what's your New Year's message...
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Senate passes package to avert fiscal cliff

STORY HIGHLIGHTSSenate approves deal to avoid the fiscal cliffObama says more work will be needed and chides Congress for dragging its feet"Take the 84% of your winnings off the table," anti-tax crusader advises GOPAs the fiscal cliff looms, what's your New Year's message to Washington? Go to CNN iReport to share your video.(CNN) -- A full two hours after a midnight deadline, the Senate overwhelmingly...
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Opinion: 12 lessons

What we learned in 2012What we learned in 2012What we learned in 2012What we learned in 2012What we learned in 2012What we learned in 2012What we learned in 2012What we learned in 2012What we learned in 2012What we learned in 2012STORY HIGHLIGHTSDean Obeidallah: You are smarter today than 365 days agoObeidallah: You probably learned a few Korean words like "Gangnam Style"He says we found out poultry...
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'Fiscal Cliff' countdown: Two more days

STORY HIGHLIGHTSLast minute negotiations are underway in Congress to avoid a ''fiscal cliff'' Without a deal, an end of the year deadline triggers takes hikes and cuts in spendingPresident Barack Obama is calling for a House and Senate vote, if negotiations fail"We'll let you know as soon as we have some news to make," the Senate minority leader saysAs the fiscal cliff looms, what's your New Year's...
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Senate leaders tackle fiscal cliff deal

STORY HIGHLIGHTSChiefs of staff for the Senate's top Democrat and Republican will lead fiscal cliff talksMcConnell hopes there will be a plan to present to the Senate "as early as Sunday"If there isn't one, Reid says that he'll put an Obama-backed bill up for a voteSome congressmen say Americans have a right to be frustrated by the stalemate As the fiscal cliff looms, what's your New Year's message...
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Obama, congressional leaders to meet Friday

STORY HIGHLIGHTSNEW: McConnell's spokesman says Obama should give details of his proposalBoehner, Reid, Pelosi and McConnell will meet at the White House on FridayThe Senate returns to work; the House will be back in session Sunday Without a deal, taxes go up and spending gets slashed in the new yearWashington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama and congressional leaders will discuss the looming fiscal...
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Decluttering before the New Year

Time off work during the holidays is a perfect time to tidy up your home and work spaces to start the New Year right.STORY HIGHLIGHTSDo your New Year's resolutions include a push to clean up? Here are some tips to startBeing organized is about being in control, says professional organizer Susan FleischmanCleaning clutter can eliminate the need to buy what you simply can't find(CNN) -- Whatever other...
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Zelizer: Six political lessons of 2012

2012: The year in pictures2012: The year in pictures2012: The year in pictures2012: The year in pictures2012: The year in pictures2012: The year in pictures2012: The year in pictures2012: The year in pictures2012: The year in pictures2012: The year in pictures2012: The year in pictures2012: The year in pictures2012: The year in pictures2012: The year in pictures2012: The year in pictures2012: The...
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Police crackdown amid outrage over gang rape

STORY HIGHLIGHTSRussian President Vladimir Putin is due visit India MondayNew Delhi's government district is under a lockdownProtesters demonstrate after the gang rape of a woman on a busPolice say the woman was badly beaten and left for deadNew Delhi (CNN) -- Police locked down New Delhi's key government district ahead of Monday's visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin, after two days of pitched...
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